Thursday, August 23, 2007

Science Experiment 1.3

So, now we are to accomplish another science experiment. The goal is to see how a Tums tablet can neutralize vinegar... Pretty cool. First you take 3-jars. In the first, you put 1-cup vinegar, the second, 1/2-cup vinegar, and the third, 1/4-cup vinegar... then drop a Tums into each jar. The chemical reaction causes the Tums to begin fizzing... Doesn't sound interesting? Well, it actually is... especially if you tend to have acid stomach. You begin to understand what happens in your stomach when you down a Tums.

The second part of this experiment is to do this experiment again, but this time you add enough water to make it 2-cups of liquid in each jar. So to the first jar, you add 1-cup water, to the second you add 1 1/2-cups of water, and finally the third jar gets 1 3/4-cups water. So as you can see, we're diluting the acid. Now you drop a Tums into each jar... Again, you see fizzing and bubbling, but this time it is not as much. This time the third jar hardly bubbles at all. In fact, it pretty much neutralizes in minutes... but the first jar.. fizzes until the Tums disappears.

Hmm, next time I have an acid stomach, should I drink more water?

More later,


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